Fern Bay Public School

We are a respectful, responsible and inclusive school

Telephone02 4928 1668



Classes visit the library each week for a one hour lesson.

During library lessons the students are exposed to a wide range of quality literature.

They learn about authors, illustrators and publishers. They learn about the organisation of libraries and how to use them. By the end of year 6, it is expected that students will know how to locate, understand and extract information from books, reference material and the internet.

The library is open during second half of lunch Monday – Friday.

Lunchtime activities include quiet reading, drawing, games (chess), computers and research.

The computers in the library can be used for research or to complete work on any of these days.

Students can borrow books during library lessons at lunch time and before school.

All students need a library bag so they can care for their books.

ES1 and Stage 1 (K-Yr2) can borrow 2 books per week and Stage 2 and Stage 3 (Yr3-Yr6) can borrow 3 books. The borrowing period is 2 weeks but students are encouraged to borrow or renew their books weekly.  

Lost or damaged books are to be paid for at the replacement cost.

Library day
